
The press generated by The Full Tax Receipt has been blogged all around the world as far as New Zealand.

Some of the comments are:

  • "Why did nobody think of this before?"
  • "All businesses should have the balls to do this."
  • "Finally someone has got it..."
  • "Commendable..."
  • "Can we extend this to energy bills?"
  • "Talking of a peasants’ revolt, this is a glorious post……If you run a business why don’t you do something similar? – Daniel Hannan Conservative MEP"
  • "Well done that hairdresser"
  • "The man on the street simply hasn’t got a clue how much tax he is paying on purchases and the Government knows this. We need a ‘Tax Honesty’ policy."
  • "I would certainly do business with companies prepared to itemise the tax I am prepared to pay on my invoice"