What is a Full Tax Receipt?

It is a till receipt that shows all the hidden extra taxes that you pay to the Government through your purchases.

Such As:

  • Value Added TAX
  • Employees National Insurance Job TAX
  • Employers National Insurance Job TAX
  • Income TAX
  • Corporation TAX
  • Business Rates TAX
  • Insurance TAX
  • Accountants Tax Return Audit TAX (compliance cost TAX)
  • Assorted Red Tape Compliance TAXES
  • Climate Levy TAX
  • Local Authority Licence TAXES
  • Land Fill Waste Disposal TAX
  • Stamp Duty TAXES
  • Congestion Charge TAX
  • Parking TAX
  • Car License Disc TAX
  • Airline Ticket TAX
  • TV License TAX
  • Import TAX
  • Car TAX
  • Petrol TAX
  • Etc.

The calculations are based on our latest annual company accounts and show that half our charges to clients are just further tax. On an average £100 bill, £13 is VAT, and another £35 is made up of employment taxes, business rates, land fill taxes etc.

Why have Full Tax Receipts?

By deliberately making tax so complex, the Government is able to take much more of our money than we realise. We want people to see clearly just how much tax they really pay, so we created the Full Tax Receipt to raise awareness of this. We see what is taken from our wages, but other than VAT, it’s hard to see what taxes are added into our purchases.

Before getting to spend their income, VAT registered higher rate taxpayers will lose 59% in direct taxation from 2010, leaving just 41 pence per pound. With most purchase prices doubled by taxation, that 41p only buys about 20p of value. That’s equivalent to 5 days work, one days pay. It’s not much better for basic rate taxpayers with an effective rate of 60% tax by the time they spend their money. Big Government gets away with it because tax is designed to confuse and is taken from so many sources. Some people do pay much less, like the very poor, MPs and Eurocrats.

Why should we bother?

You can help fight back against these Government scams by joining this campaign. For too long we have been lied to, bullied and robbed by an ever enlarging State with promises of better tomorrows, or given a guilt trip about the poor - who as ever, have been so terribly betrayed; now marginalised into welfare estate ghettos, they are guaranteed to keep voting for Government handouts.

Big Government has taken most of our money and let us all down badly. Whilst the number of political multimillionaires multiplies unabated (The Kinnocks, The Blairs, John Prescott etc.) every accepted measure of social dysfunction in the UK reaches new heights of despair - the worst levels in the developed world. High taxation feeds Big Government, diminishing personal and local responsibility, leading inevitably, to our tragically broken society.

Beneath the massaged statistics, real unemployment is close to 1930s depression levels. Education is failing. Children are knifing each other. Five million adults are on anti depressants. The State pension money taken from our earnings throughout our working lives is spent.

Check in to an NHS hospital – you’ll have a near 1% chance of being killed by a medical blunder and a 10% probability of collecting another illness; yet in some countries with better health and longer life spans, healthcare costs half as much. Shocking economic incompetence has left no money in reserve, just more debt and liabilities – enough to wipe out all UK assets. Yes, technically we’re bankrupt thanks to Big Government.

Yet politicians and their bureaucratic friends continue to live lavishly at our expense, happily telling us that bigger and bigger Government and higher taxes are the answer. Of course they are….. for them! Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas. Most have spent their entire lives in some institution or another living off hard working taxpayers.

Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) aren’t taken seriously by Government, other than as a cash cow, and yet they account for 60% of all employment. They are at the heart of many communities and far more in touch with the real world than any career cabinet minister will ever be. From this unique position in the community, small businesses can raise awareness of this great tax fraud against society. The Full Tax Receipts are about transparency. It has won the support of a number of MPs and many bigger companies.

How can you show your support?

You can register your support on this website. If you have a business you can also create Full Tax Receipts for your customers. Once a year we calculate all the taxes we have paid, divide it into the turnover to get a percentage, and programme this into our tills. It’s a simple job that takes just a few hours.

Speak to your till suppliers. They will carry out a simple programme adjustment. We are getting software companies on board one by one so that this change will be inexpensive or free.